Savings Account

Minimum amount of deposits for open a Savings Deposit account of Rs. 500. The money can be withdrawn by using wihdrawal slip in the concerned branch and also with from ATM provided to the member. Saving account is of continuing nature. There is no maximum period. No loan facility us provided against saving account.

Description Monthly Minimum Balace (Rs.) Rate Of Interest
Savings Deposit Account 500/- to 49,999/- 5%
Savings Deposit Account More than 49,999/- 6%

Note :-

:- It is mandatory to be a member in the company.
:- Company will issue one share of Rs. 10/- for openng the saving deposit account.
:- Please produce the original document(s) for verification & photocopy for each documents.
:- Mandatory to provide permanent address and telephone number.
:- Please available of the nomination facility and there can be only one Nominee for a deposit account whether help singly or jointly.
:- Mandatory to complete the KYC Norms.
:- A person legally empowered to operate a minior's account can file a nomination on behalf of the minior.